A Day in the Life: Candace - Happy Mom of Two
Posted on October 17, 2011
Today our featured mom is Candace.
How old are you?
I am 28 years old.
What did you do (from a working perspective) before your baby arrived?
In my professional life I am a Registered Nurse.
Are you currently at home with your baby/children or working in/out of the home?
I am currently at home on maternity leave.
How old is your baby?
I have 2 children. My son is 29 months old. My daughter is 5 months old.
When did you decide to cloth diaper?
When I was pregnant with Mr. H I had read an article online about the effects of chlorine on children and how diapers are one of the main sources. I went into a local store looking for some advice but came away discouraged. I was then at a baby shower for a friend and found out about your website and signed up for the trial.
When did you start cloth diapering?
I started cloth diapering when my son was 3 months old. I started by doing your trial program and have never looked back.
What is/are your favourite diaper(s)?
I am in love with Fuzzi Bunz! I initially used the Perfect Size and have added a few of their One Size diapers. I like them because when I first started using cloth diapers they were the only ones that used snaps rather than hook/loop closures (I like not having to do the maintenance). I just started using Bummis and Kushies training pants.
My day in a nutshell
6:30 am - If I am lucky enough that Miss M has not yet woken up; my husband’s first alarm goes off. I have yet to figure out his logic about the snooze button because all it does is wake me up since he doesn’t get up for another twenty minutes. I guess it is the little things like this that make me love him so much.
7:30 am - Usually I hear stirring from one if not both of my children. So starts the plotting of how I will breastfeed Miss M, get Mr. H on the potty and not loose my mind in the process. I have started potty training Mr. H so I usually try for a short potty time while I change Miss M at the same time. Stories in “Mommy and Daddy’s” bed give me time to breastfeed.
8:15 am - with a cloth diaper on Miss M and a cloth trainer pant on Mr. H our day can officially begin. Breakfast and getting 2 kids dressed quickly is not a task I have mastered yet. However, a shower is my equivalent to coffee so it has to be squeezed in. Thank goodness for hot water! Mr. H likes the big brother task of entertaining Miss M who patiently sits in her bouncy chair.
8:45 am - it is time to get out of the house! I usually change Miss M prior to leaving and check for any accidents from Mr. H. I have come to realize that it is worth the effort to take the kids out. You can catch us out and about in the Lonsdale area. Strong Start and story time are currently our favourite past time.
10:30 am - I try to take Mr. H to the potty while out, which I have come to realize must look like a day at the circus with a 5 month old strapped onto my chest. Oh well, all in a days work. Right? I also change Miss M’s diaper while out and use our Bummis wet bag to carry home the dirties.
12:30 am - Lunch gives me a break, a moment to check my Facebook and e-mail. I must keep up with the outside world somehow :-o
1:00 pm - NAP TIME!!! Both kids get new diapers at this time. After a couple books and a glass of milk Mr. H will go down first giving me a chance to breastfeed Miss M and put her down as well. During naptime I prep dinner and hope to catch a nap of my own.
3-ish - Mr. H is awake followed shortly by Miss M. Potty time and fresh diapers are put on. We usually go to the park or the library prior to dinner.
5:00 pm - my husband is home and dinner is served.
5:45 pm - playing, reading books and tidying up keep us busy till its time to get ready or bed.
7:00 pm - Mr. H has a bath with dad. One last try on the potty and Mr. H is ready for his diaper. Stories and teeth brushing lead to bedtime.
7:45 pm - Miss M has been bathed and we are ready to start diapers!
I currently live in building with shared pay laundry, so to save money I have decided to do the cold soak in the tub. I wear rubber gloves to ring them out and I must say my tub has never been cleaner as I am forced to clean it every other day along with the diapers.
8:15 pm - All kids are now asleep! Time to finish the diapers. I ring the diapers out and put them back in the diaper pail. They are washed on hot and I do a cold rinse about every second time. I have not seen any increased leaking with missing the rinse.
8:45 pm - Having more than one laundry machine means I can wash clothes and then combine the laundry with the clean liners in the dryer. I still hang the waterproof liner and now I have clean diapers and trainers for the next 2 days ?
I must say that I am not always done diapers by 8:45 pm and some days it is almost 10pm before I am done. I try to remember that I am doing my part for the environment and limiting chemicals from being on my children’s skin.
9:00 pm - Clean, organize, and read the New and Green Blog!
11:00 pm - Goodnight!
This interview was submitted on March 1, 2011.
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