[caption id="attachment_1485" align="alignright" width="320" caption="Meaghan and Baby C at the pool - it's a Saturday morning and C is wearing her Swimmi under her swimsuit (you can see a tiny bit of it peeking out)!"]

Today our featured mom is Meaghan.
How old are you?
34 years old
What did you do (from a working perspective) before your baby arrived?
I am a Speech-Language Pathologist working with ages 0-5.
Are you currently at home with your baby/children or working in/out of the home?
Just returned back to work 4 days a week after a year's maternity leave.
How old is your baby?
Baby C is 11 months old.
When did you decide to cloth diaper?
We decided to try cloth diapering when I stumbled across the N&G website and their newborn rental program. We were lucky enough to get the last rental kit around our due date. We were solidified in our cloth diaper decision after the N&G cloth 101 workshop, which we attended while still pregnant. And we were even more gung ho when we actually got to put the newborn rental kit into action and saw how easy and effective it was.
When did you start cloth diapering?
We started with the rental kit about 3 days after arriving home from the hospital.
What is your favourite diaper(s)?
Newborn: Kissaluvs
After the rental kit: bummis organic cotton prefold kit (infant size until she was 10 months old! She's petite.)
Now: larger size prefolds with whisper wraps at home, Easyfits and Bum Genius pockets for daycare
Tell us about your day
Well, I have to say that my days have changed significantly in the past two weeks since mat leave ended. They currently look very different on days I have to go to work and days I don't. My husband has very long work days, hence my example doesn't include any help from him. If he happens to have the day off on a day that I go to work, the following example would include a latte (made by him!) before I leave for work and no diaper laundry when I get home, because he does it during the day :). Those are good days.
Here is an example of a work day + diaper laundry day:
6am - wake up, get myself ready
7am - if little C isn't up yet, reluctantly wake her up, breastfeed, change out of the overnight diaper (usually hemp prefold+doubler+aristocrat wool cover) and into a prefold/whisper wrap combo
7:30 - a bit of breakfast
7:50am - to daycare for 8am drop-off
I send a bag of at least 5 cloth diapers (Easyfits + Bum Genius pockets) preloaded with biosoft liners + pre-moistened cloth wipes (make sure there's at least 10, use wipes cubes solution to soak them, use the small Huggies travel pack case for storage) + a medium wet bag for dirty diaper storage + bum-bum balm
8:10am - off to work
8:30-4pm - work, work, work
4:45pm - pick up from daycare
Daycare gives me back the bag with the unused cloth diapers (usually they use 3 over the day), full wet bag, and cloth wipes pack for restocking
5pm - home, walk dog
5:30pm - dinner for little C and the dog
6pm - bath or straight to bedtime for C, depending on the night and the level of fatigue
7pm - Little C is asleep, time to prepare for the next work day (if it's Friday, breathe a sigh of relief, have dinner, crash in front of the TV)
7-9pm - eat dinner
-Unpack bag from daycare - full wet bag (the day's used diapers and cloth wipes) goes right in the washer after I've taken out the inserts of the BGs (I love that this step is skipped with the Easyfits), along with the larger wet bag of diapers from our at-home diaper bin - cold soak, hot wash (1tbsp wonder wash), cold rinse, dryer (hang up Easyfits, BG's and whisper wraps to dry, they're dry by the next morning)
-make sure diaper bag is stocked for the next day - I have a total of 6 BGs and 3 Easyfits and these are just barely enough for two days at daycare, washing every other day - I have around 30 cloth wipes, so plenty enough to replenish each night (make sure there's 10 for the day)
-prepare my lunch and C's lunch for the next day
-some sort of relaxation if time (usually something on the PVR)
-to bed by 9:30pm at the latest ... zzzzzzzzz
Some mornings I have to stuff a couple of BG's that have been drying overnight to add to the diaper bag for the day, but I try to have everything ready the night before.
I just want to say that I'm really thankful that my daycare will do cloth! I can imagine if you're used to sending a pack of disposable diapers and a big bucket of wipes to daycare and not having to think about it again (for awhile at least), then the routine I've described probably sounds like a bit much. But I'm so used to using cloth and so committed, it really doesn't feel like a big deal to me.
This interview was submitted February 5, 2011.
Previous: Eucalan No Rinse Wool Wash
Amber wrote:
This is my life!!! Good to read about someone else’s day. Good work mamma!
Alicia wrote:
Meaghan – I absolutely loved your post, as it almost perfectly resembles my day as a working mom!! I too have a daycare that is willing to do cloth, which I am so greatful for. Cloth diapering really does not take a lot of extra energy, just a little bit of pre-planning the night before (which I assume most non-cloth diapering moms do anyways for other items) and an extra load of laundry at the end of the day! I really enjoyed reading about your schedule, and it reassured me that what I am doing really is worth it in the end! Thank you!
Karen wrote:
Alicia – Meaghan is such an inspiration. Agreed!!
Karen wrote:
Amber – it’s good to know that there are other moms out there doing the same thing, eh. I used to think about that when my girls were very very little and I’d be up in the night feeding them. Knowing there were other moms doing the same thing at the same time was comforting.