Tips for Organizing Your Laundry Room (and Making Cloth Diapering Fun!)
Posted on February 14, 2011

When there are children or a baby in the house, there tends to be a lot of laundry, especially when you're cloth diapering.
But if your laundry room is a cluttered, stressful place to be, the task at hand is anything but joyful.
Recently in the Rockin' Green e-newsletter, Rockin' Green held a contest to inspire families to organize their laundry rooms. In the newsletter, Kim also included these three clutter-busting tips (thanks Kim for letting us share your
Jedi-like "anything laundry" wisdom with the masses!) :
1. Bare necessities. Over the years you’ve accumulated four different stain treaters, a few kinds of detergent, bleach, carpet cleaner, and a couple of As Seen On TV products that sucked you in at 3 a.m. It’s time to narrow down to the bare essentials and get rid of the rest! Pitch expired products and only keep these essentials on hand: a multi-purpose cleaner like
Rockin’ Green (which can double not only as a pre-treater for stains but also as a detergent), dryer balls and delicate washing nets.
2. Shelving. Head to the Container Store [or your local hardware store] and add a few wall shelves to your laundry room to create space vertically and get organized. Plus, shelving keeps things out of your child’s reach!
3. Boxes. Organize things in tubs or boxes. You can get some great shoebox size tubs or containers to put smaller items in – clothespins, stain sticks, dryer balls, lingerie wash bag, sewing supplies – whatever small things you keep near the laundry. These can go on the ground in an organized fashion or on a wall shelf if not too heavy.
So, now we at New & Green are curious to know - how do you keep your laundry room organized?
Tips orginginally published via Rockin' Green on January 4, 2011 via their e-newsletter. Thanks again for letting us share with the N&G families!
Photo Credit Maegan Tintari
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