We love to hear what you think about the products that we stock here at N&G.  While we spend oodles of time researching and reviewing, it really comes down to your varied, real-life expereinces.  Different families, different babies - it is what makes the cloth diapering world go 'round. Last year on Facebook, we started hosting Parent Review Panels.  And it's been fun! This is how it works.  We select a product from N&G that we'd like to get real-time, real-world feedback on.  We head over to our Facebook page (Have you clicked the like button?) and we put out the call.  Sometimes we are looking for families with babies of specific ages and weights, sometimes we are looking for families using specific diaper covers and sometimes its just open to whomever wishes to participate.  After the call goes out, we collect the responses and select our Parent Review Panel. The parents on the panel receive a product from us, use it and then tell us all about it and show us how it works for them.  There's a few more detials, but we'll let you find that out when you apply to be a Parent Reviewer. Have a look at some photos of past review panels and keep your eyes (or better yet your Facebook News Feed) peeled for the next call for a Parent Review Panel. The EasyFit Parent Review Panel Photo Summary. The Stretch Bamboozle Parent Review Panel Photo Summary. Previous: Eucalan No Rinse Wool Wash