Jumping into the deep end with cloth diapers can be perceived as a difficult thing to do by some.  So let's start in the calm waters of reusable swim diapers and do a simple comparison with two factors: [caption id="attachment_911" align="alignright" width="195" caption="92 cents per use"][/caption] Disposable Swim Diapers 1. Cost is almost $1 per use. 2. Garbage generation is equal to 1 diaper per swim - several per day if you are on holiday and coming in and out of the water/pool. Reusable Swim Diapers 1. Cost is less than $13.50 all in (no per use cost to consider).  2 weeks of holiday and you've come out even.  Everything after that is gravy. 2. Garbage generation is nil. Do they do the job?  YES! Are they easy to care for?  YES!  Just throw them in the wash with the swimsuits after swimming. To get you started on the right foot, we are going to give away a Swimmi to a family who's never used one before and give away a Fabulous Wet Bag to a family who currently uses Swmmis. Here is how you enter: 1. To be entered to win a Swimmi, leave a comment here about how you would convince your friends (non Swimmi or cloth diaper using) to try using a Swimmi for their little one. 2. To be entered to win a Wet Bag, upload a photo to Facebook of your little one wearing their Swimmi Swim Diaper.  Make sure that you leave a comment here that the photo's been posted so we know. Contest closes Sunday June 13th.  Winner announced week of June 14th.  Open to Canadian residents only. Previous: Eucalan No Rinse Wool Wash