What the Parents Say - Our Prefold Parent Review Panel Results
Posted on February 21, 2012
Our Parent Reviewers received 2 Bummis Prefold Cloth Diapers, a Snappi Diaper Fastener, a SuperBrite Diaper Cover and a dose of encouragement. After two weeks with prefolds in their daily diapering routine, here are some musings for you to consider.
Front line, real life experience, coming up!
Yes, I would recommend them for someone to try prefold especially when starting on a young baby and if cost is a concern
We did not have any leaks and love the gussets as it helps keep her leak proof even when our little one was on the move
Snappi: if it was used on a younger infant it would help contain explosions and would be much easier to secure
Absorbency was what we needed the most as our little one wets very heavily at the front of her diaper once we started using the prefold folded for maximum absorbency in the front and fanned out in the back like I showed in a previous post she seemed happier.
The Prefold folded easily and fit very well into the cover.
The Snappi super easy to use, the prefolds easy to fold and I still cant believe how well they hold poosplosions
Prefolds really cut down my laundering time. I feel like I am forever washing, stuffing, unstuffing and snapping my pocket diapers and this can get overwhelming with twins.
I'm happy to say our little one slept about 7.5 hrs straight last night in her prefold. {note from N&G - we love hearing that parents got a good night's sleep with cloth diapers!}
Only other thing I would recommend is using a fleece liner for the stay-dry effect especially at nighttime (as well as cleaning up any poopy messes).
Some Awesome Tips that came out of this Review Panel:
One technique I use on the prefolds, which I find rather handy when diapering a squirmy mobile baby who requires more absorbency in the front than the back is to flare the back of the prefold out so more surface area is covered at the back. I find when I don't do this and my little one squirms around during the diapering process and the back part of the prefold often will not end up going up the middle and will be off to one side. By flaring out the back of the prefold like in the photo even if it gets a bit shifted she still has coverage to catch any liquid or solids that make it to the back of the diaper.
Use the large bio-soft liners fitted to the back of the diaper with the edges of bio soft liner tucked under the edges of the prefold. I find by tucking it under and fitting it to the back it catches the most of any poo-explosions both before and now that they are more solid.
And all our parents unanimously said:
Thanks so much for the opportunity to test these diapers. It has totally changed my mind about prefolds! {hooray!}
*all names and specific references to babies were replaced by "my little one" in this blog post to further protect anonymity of our review panel and their precious littles.
Check out Newborn, Infant or Baby Prefolds now.Check out the infamous Snappi Cloth Diaper Fastener now.Check out Super Brite Diaper Covers now.Previous: Eucalan No Rinse Wool Wash