New Baby on the Way? Prepping Cloth Diapers and Siblings.
Posted on August 29, 2010

- Changes such as moving to a big bed, moving bedrooms, or new childcare arrangements would be better done well before the new baby is born. You can expect some regression of already mastered skills, like potty training.
- Spend special time with your other child and remind visitors to pay attention to the sibling and not just the new baby. Include sibling in pictures and other activities.
- Ask for your child’s help and involve your child in baby’s care. Even very young children can help by getting a diaper for you, picking out clothes, or patting burps out of the babe.
- Try to let go of guilt. There is no way to give both children equal attention. Do the best you can and create a support network.
- Remember that one of your gifts to all of your children is the sibling relationship they will have with one another.
- Consider allowing your child to participate in the birth of your new baby, if they are comfortable doing so. Please be sure to have a special support person on call for your child, as they can be as unpredictable with their feelings and needs as the birth experience itself.
-Photo Credit to Ben Grey
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Caroline wrote:
My son was 20 months old when my daughter was born. I read somewhere that making a point of telling the older sibling how much the new baby enjoys his/her presence is a good idea, so we did that from day one. “Look how R is looking at you! She loves you.” “E is such a good big brother to R.” “Thank you for sharing your toys with her!” Maybe it was his age, maybe this technique, or maybe sheer luck, but he really adores her. It’s exciting to watch their relationship blossom as they get older (now 26 & 6 months).
Hana wrote:
Thanks Caroline,
I am due today and our son is only 17 months (not quite old as yours). At this age a few months makes a big difference. As we will not be back in Canada till 2011, can’t participate in the workshop. I am researching ways to get him involved once his little sister arrives. We will definitely try your technique:-), it sounds like a good one.
Thanks again for your story,
Troy Neal wrote:
My own child goes thru countless diapers, it can be silly!