Newborn Cloth Diapering :: Tips for Success
Posted on August 13, 2010
Welcoming a newborn is a wonderful experience, but for many of us, it can be overwhelming too. Choosing to use cloth diapers needn’t add to your feeling “whelmed,” though – follow these tips to keep the first few months smooth and successful.
Keep it simple. While there are
a myriad of lovely options to choose from when putting together your diapering system, keep it simple, especially during the first few months. Choose just one or two types of diapers to have on hand. That way, you’ll always know what to reach for and it will be easy to pack a diaper bag for outings. Either
Kissaluvs size 0 or
Bummis organic cotton prefolds paired with a
Bummis newborn Super Brite cover, with a few
TiniFit All-in-Ones or
AMP small All-in-Ones for outings, are popular, simple, easy-to-use systems.
Be organized. Yeah, we know – organization sometimes seems more like a dream than a reality with a new baby around. Heck, sometimes all it takes to feel like the day is a triumph is to be able to shower before noon. However, keeping your diapers organized and ready to grab is easier than it sounds and will definitely help your cloth diapering venture be successful.
Here are a few easy ideas to stay organized:
Have your
wipes at hand (pre-wetted if you like them that way).
Prestuff your
pocket diapers so they’re ready to go.
Use decorative boxes, baskets, or cubbies to neatly store diapers and covers (plus, if you don’t have time to fold them after doing a load of laundry, a box or a basket will still keep them neatly contained!).
Put together a
“mobile change unit” if you tend to change your baby on the couch (or other places around the house).
If you've got other ideas for keeping your diapers and change area organized, please leave a comment - we'd love to hear what works for you.
Have fun. Diaper change time can be a great time to bond with your baby, especially newborns. Smile, coo, talk, and laugh with your new one – it will make the experience an enjoyable time rather than merely a chore. It can also be a special way for daddies to bond with their babies. Though it seems like a small thing, making diaper change time into something special will help ensure your cloth diapering venture is a successful one – and even better, will reap a great start to your lifelong relationship with your child!
PS - Another way to keep the sanity in the household? Consider our
Newborn Rental Program. We do all the thinking and organization for you!
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